Bizarro | Naked Cartoonist

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Since I was a child, I’ve wondered about the costume choices of superheroes. I’m particularly fascinated by the cape, which a majority of superheroes have worn, especially in the early days of superheroism. What is it for, exactly? I’m no expert on comic book heroes and enjoyed them as a kid much more for the art than for the stories, but I’ve never seen anyone regularly use their cape for anything other than blowing around dramatically during their TV show’s credits.

Thinking along these lines, I recalled that I’ve done quite a few cartoons about superhero fashion and particularly capes and thought it might be fun to share a few of those with you before moving on to Wayno’s Bizarro gags for the week.

Going back eighteen years, I still enjoy the subtlety of this gag about an obvious aspect of the cape that could be terribly impractical.

This dude’s problems don’t end with the cape; his entire sense of super fashion is just way out of line with his era. Being ahead of your time isn’t always an easy thing to pull off.

In this one, Robin is as bewildered by the cape as I am. He’s got a point; flipping it around and using it as a bib when you eat at least keeps you from confronting criminals with mustard stains on your chest’s super logo.

In this gag from ‘09, I propose a practical use for a cape—though I have no idea how Cape Man made that work or why he’d want to bother.

This cape from 2006 has a purpose, too; it’s the only thing that tells you the foot is super once its back on the ground.

Now let’s see what fashions Wayno depicted in his cartoon cavalcade last week…

And with progressives, the suggestions get more suggestive. Over on Wayno’s weekly blog, he references the famous X-Ray Specs of the ‘60s. Love those things.

But he is going to offer him a pie tin full of beer.

So at this point in time, what’s smarter? The brain or the fish?

I’d have a wooden picket fence, too, if I lived next door to Rudy Giuliani. #NYNosferatu And on that topic, contemplate the fact that looking like Nosferatu is not the scariest thing about Rudy by a long shot.

So how does this guy end up at the gates of Heaven at the same time as his dog? Freak frisbee accident?

I’m sure they call it “tiptoeing” for good reason, but I use my full toe when I sneak, not just the tips. How about you?

And, bookending our talk of vintage comic book fashion, is Wayno’s depiction of the crook in this one. In those days, criminals and superheroes had no trouble identifying each other on the street. It was a simpler time.

That’s all the capers we’ve got for this week, Jazz Pickles. Thanks for enduring the aching bellies that our cartoons have most certainly given you. If you feel at all inclined to thank us for delivering these chuckles free of a paywall and free of ads, please considering hitting some of the links below. Any little thing helps to keep the coffee on the stove at Rancho Bizarro and we appreciate it mightily!

Please come back next week for more fun. Till then, be happy, be smart, be nice, and resist ignorance, fascism, and nationalism.

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