Bringing It

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True Bizarro Jazz Pickles (long-time regular readers of Bizarro) are well aware that I like to challenge readers with jokes they may not immediately get and this one is firmly in that category. If you’re scratching your head over this one, pay special attention to the clothing and condition of the characters, and the punctuation in the caption box. I never apologize for difficult-to-get jokes but I’m also not religious about believing one should never explain a joke, so…if you still don’t get it, there’s no shame in clicking here for the answer.

By the way, this clever tidbit came from my good buddy, Cliff The King Of Wordplay. He’s a super fun guy with a very interesting mind. You’d love him.

You’ll also love hearing this—We just added a bunch of new Bizarro products to the store! If you’re a person who buys things for people around the end of the year, this is a good place to start.

We gots: Brand new Bizarro Secret Symbol mugs! Bizarro hoodies with new designs! A Hello Shitty coffee mug!

And both the hoodie and the mug can be purchased emblazoned with the BRAND SPANKING NEW IMAGE below!


We’re so sure you’re going to love our new products that they come with our special money-back guarantee: If you don’t adore our products, put your money back in your pocket before you buy them!

It’s time now to find out what was in Wayno’s cartoon pockets last week…

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I’d like to propose a toast. Or two, with mayo. Also, notice the placement of the two most difficult to find Secret Symbols on this one.

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If you’re a copy editor, rays your hand.

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Aw, c’mon. Don’t act like you’ve never eaten piñata poop.

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Sadly, statistics show that as a non-orange person, he’s 72% more likely to be convicted and receive the maximum sentence.

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Does it bother anyone else that we’re the only species on earth not allowed to pee outside without risking being legally labeled a sex offender? (I wish that weren’t true but...)

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My good buddy and colleague, Wayno, just turned in his final cartoons for this year (we work a bit ahead for publication deadline reasons) and has some lovely words to say on his weekly cartoon blog about his first two years as the Monday-Saturday cartoonist for Bizarro. He’s doing a grand job and is truly a joy from outer space to work with. Pop over to his site and say hello, then come right back for my final paragraph!

That’s the end of the elevator shaft of comedy this week, Jazz Pickles. Thanks for falling seven stories with us yet again. If you enjoy what we do, please consider buying some fun crap from my store! Or visiting any of the other links below. Every little bit helps us keep presenting these cartoons online for free.

Until next time, be smart, be nice, be happy, and resist ignorance, fascism, and nationalism.


… Bizarro TIP JAR

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Ill Wind


Life Socks