Bizarro | Naked Cartoonist

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Since I’m a creative, eccentric, alternative-thinking sort of guy, many might assume I’m not into sports, but that’s not true. I’m not into sports enough to stand half-naked in freezing weather with my body painted in team colors, but I do enjoy watching the occasional game of tennis, hockey, or American football. I will even watch the occasional championship series in basketball, baseball, or soccer though they’ve never been my favorite. And, of course, I’m utterly devoted to curling, but that goes without saying.

I’m thankful that I no longer confuse sports outcomes with things that actually matter, as I did when I was younger. These days, I use it as entertainment and don’t let it ruin my day if my team loses. Last week, I enjoyed watching my fave NFL team play for the usual reasons, but this time, there was an added warm, fuzzy feeling that had nothing to do with how well my team was playing. It came entirely from encountering the familiar after an absence. There have been so few public events in recent months that watching a live football game on TV felt a bit like a return to normal, though it certainly was not. I think it is good to cherish the little victories, though, even when the big picture is a dumpster fire with no remedy in sight.

And, as the house of cards continues to collapse and burn in the U.S., I find comfort in reminding myself that we pop into being somewhere in history not of our own choosing, we make the best of it, and then we’re gone in the blink of an eye. There have been precious few free-and-easy places in history to be dropped, mostly only varying degrees of difficulty. As things tend to go on this planet, most of us who are seeing these words have been pretty lucky. But every now and then luck runs out and things get shitty for a while. We’ll make it through, though. It’s what people do.

As those of you who read these words between the comics know, I’ve been spending the majority of my time lately on a graphic novel.

I hope you’ll all give it a look and if you enjoy it, though it will always be free to read online, I hope you’ll consider contributing to the process. I’ve only posted 6 short episodes so far, so you can get caught up on the story in five minutes or less. If it’s your first time, start with the INTRO. If you’ve read some already, go directly to EPISODES and pick up where you left off.

Here’s a preview of next week’s Episode 7, “Breakfast of Champions,” which I’ll post on Tuesday!

If you’d like to get an email each time I post a new episode of Peyote Cowboy, you can sign up here. (The Peyote Cowboy email list is different from the one you can sign up for at the bottom of this page for Bizarro blog posts. Same deal goes for both, however: I won’t bombard you with emails and I’ll never share your contact info.)

That brings us to the part of the show were we check in on what Wayno did last week in his magical cartoon workshop diorama where he creates the weekday Bizarro panels…

These days, I think it makes sense to keep your dream house on a thumb drive in case you need to leave town quickly.

Wayno has some fun comments about this cartoon on his weekly blog post that has to do with the “less” and “fewer” feud. Check it out when you finish here!

How long before goth kids are called out for cultural appropriation? Not long, I hope!

This looks painful and terrifying and the worst part is the elephant will never be able to forget it.

I always enjoy a good alternative fashion cartoon and I LOVE this one! I’m considering having this entire outfit custom made for Wayno and myself to wear to public appearances.

We’re pretty sure this probably happened somewhere, at least once, for some reason, so even this cartoon is art imitating life.

That concludes our graphic comedy ritual ceremony for the week, Jazz Pickles. Thanks for staying until the incense burned all the way down. If you’re enjoying what we do and that we do it without paywalls or ads, please consider dropping a shekel or two into one or more of the things linked below! We’ll beam good fortune to you from afar with our super magical brain hearts.

Until next time, be somebody you’ll be remembered fondly for.


… Bizarro TIP JAR

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