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Welcome, Jazz Pickles, to what I am pleased to announce is NOT last year.

That stinker is gone and let’s agree not to speak of it again, shall we? 

So, what’s happening THIS year? For starters, there’s a new Bizarro Secret Symbol to look for if you’re into that sort of thing. You can read all about what it is, what it means, and why we chose it here

Personally, I’m hoping to be able to travel back to the US this year to visit my family in person. In lieu of being able to go anywhere by plane without a quarantine after, O2 and I are driving down to the city of Oaxaca with our dogs in mid-January to stay in a house in the mountains outside of town. We love the city but won’t be spending much time there for viral reasons, of course, so this is basically just a way to be somewhere else for a month. It’s also warmer there this time of year. 

While there, I’ll still be working daily on illustrating Peyote Cowboy and posting a new episode every two weeks, so it won’t be a typical vacation by any means. O2 will be working on her art, as well, but that’s our happy place so it’ll be great even if we can’t do the museums, galleries, cafes, restaurants, and markets of Oaxaca as much as we’d like.

Wherever you are this year, I hope you’re off to a pleasant start. A friend recently reminded me that there are those who say that we don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are. That’s a heavy idea that leads to some lofty places, but I love that sort of thing these days.

Now let’s see where Wayno will lead us as we follow him and his humor-laden burro down the cartoon trail…

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When I can’t remember which bedroom is mine, I depend on my memory foam mattress to call my name as I wander down the hall.

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This is a contest just begging to be sabotaged by the school bully.

Order your Bizarro Bunny plush sleep companion now. Snore function comes with a mute button.

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Defy the Candy King at your own risk, peasant.

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I wish I’d gone with the T-shirt idea on one of my tattoos. I’m still trying to remove it by laser.

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Don’t forget to check out Wayno’s weekly blog post about this week’s cartoons. He’s got a dandy of an oddball music link this week that I got a big kick out of.

That wraps up our cartoon trail ride this week, Jazz Pickles. Thanks for panning for fool’s gold with us. If you enjoy what we do and that we offer it for free, without paywalls or ads, perhaps consider helping us keep it this way with a visit to some of the websites below. We’ll thank you mightily.

Till next time, if you’ve got any surplus good vibes lying around, please send them out to the new year.

BIZARRO SHOP We have new stuff in the shop that’s fun and cheap!

… Bizarro TIP JAR

Signed, numbered, limited edition prints and original Bizarro panels  


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