If you’re thinking you may have seen this cartoon before, you might be right. When I had some equipment failure last month and couldn’t create cartoons for an extended time, I submitted a few reruns from ages ago that most readers today haven’t seen yet.
Bienvenidos, Jazz Pickles and other amigos! In contrast to my usual peaceful Sunday afternoon blogging, I am typing this post on a Monday afternoon to the sounds of various laborers pounding and screwing on the floor above me. (Feel free to take advantage of that do-it-yourself double-entendre. You’re welcome.)
We’ve been having some work done on our house and have been living in a rental down the street while it was going on. With just one day of work left (today) we decided to move back in over last weekend and endure the noise today.
But the reason I didn’t write this post yesterday, Sunday, wasn’t that we were moving back in, but that I was too tired to type. Too tired because on Saturday, I unexpectedly got vaccinated, and tired was the side effect I pulled out of the hat.
Accidentally vaccinated, you say?
Yes. Late last week the local government in our town announced that on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 12 or 15 sites around the city would be open for vaccinations (Pfizer) of people 60 and over. No appointments; first come first served. I’d not yet formed a plan on how I was going to get vaccinated—I’ve always just figured eventually it would be easy—but suddenly here was this chance. It seemed the right thing to do but I was still skeptical.
Surely those sites would be mobbed with crowds. On the city’s own website, they caution people to bring water, a chair, a parasol, some food, a good book, toilet paper, a toothbrush, adult diapers, anti-insanity pills, whatever you might need for this kind of geriatric sidewalk endurance event. I didn’t sleep on sidewalks to buy Rolling Stones tickets and I wasn’t about to do it for this, either.
The first day, every location was pretty much mobbed. I have a lot of older friends here and they were all texting all day about the situation on the ground. It seemed everyone I knew who hadn’t already flown to the states—twice—to get vaccines was in line somewhere in town. By day’s end, all were vaccinated and had reported they’d spent four-to-seven hours doing it. I was happy for them and a little envious but also glad I’d not spent my day in line somewhere.
The second day, the crowds were not nearly as long. In fact, by midday, they had officially canceled the third day of shots for lack of interest after the initial rush and had begun closing some of the locations early. We heard this news late in the afternoon and so rushed off to our local high school and miraculously, it turned out to be the last location in the city that was still open. It wasn’t too crowded and I was in and out in 35 minutes.
I hope the ease of my experience doesn’t anger those of you who’ve jumped through hoops and traveled far and wide to get stuck. I’m as surprised as anyone that it happened the way it did. Fingers crossed that it will be nearly as easy in three weeks when I have to get the booster.
I seem to have good karma and good health so I didn’t much expect to have side effects and, fortunately, I avoided the bad ones. The only thing I can attribute to the vacuna is fatigue. I got jabbed at about 4 pm and was in bed asleep by 9. The next morning I was no longer sleepy, but I was still tired. I really could’’t muster the strength to read and answer an email, much less write a blog post, so I just laid around all day taking the occasional nap. I’m told there are entire cultures that spend Sundays this way so I don’t feel too guilty.
Today I feel completely normal and am have plenty of energy to enjoy Wayno’s Bizarro cartoons from the week. Shall we…
Arthropods always know the best moisturizers.
It is complete coincidence that these were called “sedan” chairs and when they traveled far enough, the people carrying them would “tire”?
Last week, this cartoon attracted criticism for advancing the stereotype that the Irish are drunks. I wonder if anyone will accuse us this week of promoting the stereotype that all Irish are seekers of enlightenment.
This week on Tinker Tailor Plumber Priest...
Did someone mention episodes? Not really, but I still find myself reminded that…
…tomorrow, Tuesday, March 23 a brand new episode of Peyote Cowboy will post. Sometime around midday, it will magically appear atop the episodes page.
If you’ve been getting hooked on the “Pipe Pic of the Week” over on Wayno’s weekly blog post, you’re going to love this week’s. It features a cameo of Dadaist Marcel Duchamp.
Thus marks the end of our weekly humor snack. Thanks for finishing off the bag with us. If you like the flavor and crunch of what we do here and that we do it without annoying ads and sign-in crap, please consider thanking us via one of the links below. We’ll whisper your name kindly in thanks.
Until next week, may your tux fit perfectly and your martini be shaken not stirred.
BIZARRO SHOP We have new stuff in the shop that’s fun and cheap!
…Signed, numbered, limited edition prints and original Bizarro panels