Bizarro | Naked Cartoonist

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Gaffe Out Loud

Welcome to this tiny piece of your overall life experience, my friend. If you decide to read further, I hope you’ll come across something that will lurk amusingly in the shadows of the rest of your day. I think of humor as a divine gift to humanity alongside music, literature, art, architecture, performance, and tattoo removal. I thank God for humor every day and it always makes me laugh.

Regarding the title panel at the top of this page, I’ve long advocated for anatomical correctness in superhero costumes. The way I figure, if there is any point to a superhero costume other than disguising the crimefighter so his loved ones cannot be kidnapped and held hostage until he surrenders, it’s to freak out the opponent. I don’t personally know a lot of criminals (that’s probably not actually true) but it is easy for me to imagine them being more intimidated by a guy who looks like an actual bat, than by a guy with pointy ears on his hoodie. And even Robin is scarier with a pointy yellow beak than with his usual sleep mask and Brylcreem hairdo. 

Moving to the superhero cocktail party cartoon above, it reminds me of how much I dislike seafood. Of. Any. Kind. Period. Accordingly, it’s been decades since I’ve willingly put a crab puff in my mouth, but as best I can recall, it tasted like kryptonite. And if you’re tempted to tell me I’d like seafood better if I’d had it fresh, tell that to Superman about kryptonite and watch him melt your plastic party plate with his X-ray vision. 

And while we’re cleaning up that mess, let’s have a glance at the humor gifts Wayno was dropping into our laps in the form of Bizarro cartoons…

I think the most popular part of this cartoon has been her T-shirt. It’s a very clever mash-up of pop culture from two different decades and loads of fun.

Shell phones have been around a lot longer than cell phones or landlines.

Sometimes I’ll go into a dog bar just to get change because their money is so cool.

Over on Wayno’s weekly cartoon blog post, he tells us how many clown cartoons he’s done since he took over the Monday-Saturday Bizarro panels three years ago. (It’s a lot.) I also love what he says about this mini-fetish of his.

He usually opens his show with “A Boy Named Satoshi”. (You’ll only understand that line if you’re a little into Bitcoin. )

Not that I’m trying to get rid of you but, again, over on Wayno’s weekly cartoon blog post, he goes into a deep-dive-super-wonky explanation of how this cartoon is composed versus the horizontal strip version, and why. If you’re into that kind of behind-the-scenes cartoon stuff, be sure to check it out.

That’s the end of our superhero cocktail party, Jazz Pickles. Thanks for staying until The Incredible Hulk barfed up the Jägermeister. If you enjoy our humor-spreading and you want to help us keep doing it, please consider tossing some energy into one of the following links. We’ll all be brighter for it.

Until next time, throw some love at your immediate surroundings and see if things don’t improve.

BIZARRO SHOP We have new stuff in the shop that’s fun and cheap!

… Bizarro TIP JAR

Signed, numbered, limited edition prints and original Bizarro panels  


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