Rolling Bones

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Today’s cartoon is a combination of two names: Georgia O’Keeffe and Keith Richards. Although it is hard to imagine a reader of English who has never heard of Keith Richards (guitarist for The Rolling Stones), I can easily imagine many who may not be aware of the artist, Georgia O’Keeffe. If you search her name online, though, you’ll likely see images you recognize. The one on the back of her jacket above is one famous example.

Part of the joke here is that folks with a certain type of British accent regularly pronounce “TH” like “F” so “Keith” sounds like “Keef”. I know that explaining a joke is anathema to some humorists but I don’t mind cluing folks in when the gag is tricky.

This kind of combination of names or phrases to create a joke doesn’t have an official name, but my partner Wayno specializes in this kind of gag and has named them streptonyms. He explains why in an old blog post of his here, which features two such cartoons that he and I did together some years back.

Wayno didn’t write the one above, however, and neither did I. It was suggested by a Canadian friend of mine who calls himself Martin. It is well that there is no “H” in his name or in Britain he may be called “Marfen”. Whatever you choose to call him, I got a giggle out of his notion for a streptonym and really enjoyed illustrating it.

Here’s a semi-puzzler: Those of you who take pride in being particularly observant may enjoy figuring out what fairly necessary item I left out of the cartoon above. I will put the answer at the bottom of this post next to a tiny star like this––> *

Let’s move on now to enjoy the things Wayno has NOT left out of his Bizarro cartoons for the week…

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Not surprisingly, this is a fight that ensued over a discussion about pleats.

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Coincidentally, Wayno also did a streptonym this week, above. He mentions in his blog post this week his ongoing efforts to get that word coined and into the dictionary. And you can help. Please consider incorporating it into your own vocabulary whenever you are referencing two things joined together to make a third, humorous thing. Thanks.

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Most Americans know by now that Cinco de Mayo isn’t really a Mexican holiday. And as a resident of Mexico, I find that even funnier because this country has what seems like an average of a couple of holidays each week! Disneyland has fewer fireworks and parades than Mexico. What is a holiday here at Rancho Bizarro, however, is Cuatro de Mayo. That’s the day my beloved Olive Oyl and I got married two years ago. The pandemic put an end to our honeymoon plans so we’re hoping to get that in later this year or early next. As they say back in the US, may the fourth be with us.

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What bugs me is that no one ever talks about Schrödinger’s elephant.

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For a little more current relevance, add an orange wig to that shell.

ALSO, this cartoon is part of a cause about helping folks who’ve had a particularly rough time during the pandemic. Wayno explains it better in his post this week and offers some links to charities he trusts.

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*Here’s that tiny star I talked about above and the answer to my question: To play a solid-body guitar while jumping around, you pretty much need a shoulder strap. I left it off because it would block the image on the back of her jacket, which is an integral part of the joke. Thanks for not noticing!

That’s our comedy sit-in for the week, Jazz Pickles. Thanks for sticking around until the fuzz arrived. If you’re digging the vibes we’re laying down, man, be cool and drop some spare change in our tip jar, or buy something from one of the links below. I’ll personally take a toke of my homegrown in your name if you do.

Till next post, blessings and thanks to all who drop by here to read words and look at pictures.

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