Special Announcement!

This is a rare, midweek special announcement from Rancho Bizarro! The following was written by my talented partner Wayno…

Greetings from the Fashion Department of Bizarro Studios.

We’re pleased to announce that Comics Kingdom is offering three new Bizarro shirts for the well-dressed Jazz Pickle.

We’ll mention them soon on social media and in our next blog posts, but as a subscriber, you’re getting the news first!

Here they are. Click on any design to jump to the ordering page.

Irön Bunnies öf Dööm

Celebrate Bizarro’s imaginary metal band with a stylin’ Irön Bunnies öf Dööm tee designed by Wayno. Available in eight colors and sizes XS to 4XL.

Jazz Pickle

Every cool cat and kitten who digs Bizarro needs an official Jazz Pickle tee.

The briny be-bopper design was created by our CEO (Chief Eyeball Officier) Dan Piraro and is available in five groovalicious shirt colors, sizes XS to 5XL.

The Pipe of Ambiguity

The Pipe of Ambiguity Secret Symbol was inspired by René Magritte's surrealist painting, The Treachery of Images (popularly known as This Is Not a Pipe.)

Wayno’s “This is not a” shirt design comes in six different colors, in sizes XS to 4XL.

Show Us Your Colors

We’d love to show off photos of our Bizarro Buds wearing their new shirts. If you’d care to share, please send your pics to WaynoCartoons@gmail.com.

By sending your photo, you permit us to share it online. Readers will be identified only by first name, last initial, and city. Or even less, if you’d rather.

Whether or not you send a picture, we truly appreciate your support!

With best wishes from your cartoonist,

Wayno (& Dan)

NOTE: Wayno wrote the above copy for his weekly newsletter (free) and I liked it so much, I asked if I could use it. He generously agreed because he’s that kind of guy. I couldn’t have said any of this better than he did!


Circles Upon Circles


Curse of Abundance