Hard of Herding

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My favorite aspect of this cartoon is the nonchalant courage with which the gray tabby confronts the horse. This is our gray tabby, Lola, to a tee when faced with pretty much anything the world can throw at her, from large, lumbering, over-excited dogs to a procession of sweaty construction workers carrying building supplies through the doorway she happens to be sunbathing in. Lola feels she belongs anywhere that she happens to be and makes no apologies about it. I often wish I had her self esteem and bravado, even though it might lead to me getting kicked by a roofer carrying 50 lbs of shingles.

In other news from the week, the cartoon posted below is from a week ago but it was removed from the Bizarro Instagram page just a couple of days ago because it “violates our hate speech guidelines.” They didn’t say how it violates them, of course.

FB (which owns IG) famously allows politicians to post notably false ads on FB, many of which support the racist policies of the sitting president of the U.S., but something about this cartoon made them take it down. One wonders if the censorship filter team at FB and IG is a room full of cats walking on keyboards.

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Is there really a person at IG who is intelligent enough to operate a computer but doesn’t realize this is a satire of the way women are actually treated in the U.S. and is criticizing this practice? Have they employed people who are so dense as to think this is a graphic by a misogynist who is promoting this kind of treatment of women?

We’re all in the proverbial handbasket, folks, and I don’t think I have to tell you where it is headed.

Now let’s see what other despicable secret hate messages Wayno might have been imagined to be promoting with his dangerous cartoons last week, shall we?…

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Gosh. I hope Wayno wasn’t trying to say that cats are lazy. That would be hateful.

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And here he seems to be making fun of plus-sized individuals and the parasites who feed off of them. I’m suddenly seeing the world of humor differently now that my eyes have been opened. Thanks, Zuckerberg!

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Perhaps if Wayno and I had millions of dollars to pay Zuck for posting our hateful cartoons, he’d be willing to put his moral compass back in his pocket. After all, he did it for the Trump reelection campaign.

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Next time these tykes come to your door, try telling them that because you are vegan, you don’t eat cookies made of girl scouts.

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Wayno and I really wanted the last word of this cartoon to be “dumbass” or “asshole” but newspaper funny pages won’t allow that kind of language.

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Personally, I’m a pretty good slitherer if I’ve had enough to drink. But once I’ve had a little too much to drink, I embarrass myself. I experience the exact same narrow “sweet spot” when I play pool.

Be sure to avoid missing Wayno’s weekly post about this same batch of cartoons wherein he mentions the TV program that follows this one. I found it amusing.

That’s how this week’s telenovela ends, Jazz Pickles. Thanks for watching the entire episode. If you like what we do and that we do it for free—without a paywall or ads—please consider tossing us a crumb via one of the links below. Every little bit helps to keep us alive and wondering what qualifies as hate speech on FB and IG these days.

Until next time, be smart, be nice, be happy, and resist ignorance and Trumpism.

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A Few Good Men Times Two