
Bizarro 02-02-20 hdrWB.jpg
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I’ve done a couple of gags over the years about there being two kinds of Indian restaurants—which, to my knowledge, there are not—but I still find this theme and the above expansion of the topic funny.

For those who’ve not seen as many cowboy movies as I have, “pemmican” is a dried meat sort of thing that is similar but not identical to beef jerky. It was made by Indians somewhere in North America as a way to preserve food for travel and such. And “peyote,” of course, is a naturally psychoactive plant that grows in what is now Mexico and which natives of the area have used for centuries to gain perspective and enlightenment.

And in case you’re judging me for using the term “Indian” instead of “Native American” or “First Peoples” or whatever the flavor of the day is, it is my understanding from what I consider legitimate sources that “Indian” is what the majority of the people claiming that ancestry in the U.S. prefer to be called. If I’m wrong about that, feel free to chastise me.

I will also point out that in addition to the six Secret Symbols included in the above cartoon, there is also one hidden joke in the background that makes me chuckle. As you regular Jazz PIckles know, cartoon Easter eggs are a passion of mine.

Time now to see what hallucinations Wayno was cooking up for us in the weekday Bizarro cartoons last week…

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We’re hoping that those of you who attire your pets in ugly dog sweaters will be inspired by the more fashionable apparel depicted above.

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Where he’s going, there’s nothing BUT team-building exercises. Replete with PowerPoint presentations and stale coffee, no doubt.

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I’ve always shown up to job interviews shirtless. I can’t tell you how many terrible jobs it saved me from getting.

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Personally, I would enjoy seeing a sign on the Apricot Assfruit’s back that says “HOW’S MY SWAMP DRAINING?”

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“And his french fry was sticking out of his trousers!”

For more details from Spudville, check out Wayno’s weekly cartoon post about this batch. This week, it comes with a delightful song from Homer and Jethro about a famous rodent.

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You don’t even want to know what happens when he eats Hostess Sno Balls.

That’s the conclusion of this week’s cartoon examination, Jazz Pickles. You may get dressed now. If you like what we do and that we do it for free—without a paywall or ads—please consider tossing us a crumb via one of the links below. Every little bit helps to keep a flicker of humorous sanity in this jet-black universe of overly-armed idiots.

Until next time, be smart, be nice, be happy, and resist ignorance and Trumpism.

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