Bizarro | Naked Cartoonist

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Ambiguous Symbolism

Howdy, kids and kidders! It’s almost a new year and not a moment too soon. In fact, it’s arriving four years late by my standards, but I’m not in charge of these things. 

Most people who visit this blog just read the cartoons and skip all this extra crap from me. That’s fine, but I want to extend a special thanks to those of you Jazz Pickles who read my weekly ramblings. I try to make them worth reading and I’m fully aware that I don’t always succeed.

If you’ve been reading our recent posts, then you know we’ve promised to announce a new Bizarro Secret Symbol today!

My partner, Wayno has done a heroic job of taking over my Mon-Sat Bizarro cartoons these past three years and I thank myself daily for my wisdom in choosing him. Were it not for his handling the daily gags, I’d never have had time to write and illustrate Peyote Cowboy. (Yes, I always have to find a way to mention it.) His latest addition to the Bizarro brand is a new secret symbol, The Pipe of Ambiguity. He talks about it at length in his post today, so I strongly encourage you to go read what he has to say about it!

For my part, I loved his idea for the new symbol immediately because we both have long enjoyed Magritte’s art and also parodying him and his work in numerous cartoons. Wayno’s done a few of his own, we’ve collaborated on a couple, and I’ve done perhaps a dozen over the years. The one below is one of my favorites and is the most appropriate for this occasion.

Yes, the pipe has appeared many times in our cartoons recently, but as of January first, it will be officially counted in the symbol total. If you’re among those who played along and guessed or voted on what you’d like the symbol to be, see Wayno’s post for info about prizes.

Now let’s have a look at Wayno’s Bizarro cartoons from the week and see how many still-unofficial pipes are hidden therein…

I have to admit I’d forgotten all about the Climate Change Hoax because I got distracted by the Covid Hoax. Then I forgot about that because of the Election Hoax. I wonder what new hoaxes 2021 will bring?

So this guy has named his coffee mugs “Siri” and “Alexa”?

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend. Olive Oyl and I don’t do holiday gifts but if we did, I’d ask for a Sorry/Life/Monopoly/Trouble board game like this one.

I guess you think you’re pretty hot, huh?

For those of you keeping score at home, this is the first time that the sexual habits of ruminants have been a topic in a Bizarro cartoon. The question now is will it be the last?

This marks the end of this year’s Cartoon Christmas Pageant. Thanks for enduring our low production values. If you enjoy what we do and that we do it without torturing you with those goddam pop-up ads and flashing rectangles between paragraphs, toss us a year-end dime via one of the links below.

Until next year…

BIZARRO SHOP We have new stuff in the shop that’s fun and cheap!

… Bizarro TIP JAR

Signed, numbered, limited edition prints and original Bizarro panels  


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