Bizarro | Naked Cartoonist

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Well Enough Alone

I’m Dan Piraro, the creator of the Bizarro newspaper comic. Each week, I post my Sunday Bizarro comic, then a short essay, then the past week’s Monday-Saturday Bizarro comics written and drawn by my partner, Wayno. He does a weekly blog post, too, and I highly recommend it.


Greetings, Jazz Pickles. Thanks for being here.

As I sat down to write this post this morning I could not deny that I didn’t feel up to it. Nothing seemed interesting or funny enough to write about. Looking for inspiration, I popped over to my partner, Wayno’s blog and read his post for this same batch of cartoons. His first few paragraphs eloquently and perfectly describe what I’d been feeling and I could not have said it better myself, so I’m going to defer to Wayno today. Read his brief, thoughtful post here.

I will say this, however. The NRA is not a large group. There are about twice as many vegans as there are NRA members in the U.S. Look it up. And not even all NRA members believe there should be NO restrictions on access to weapons. The NRA lists its members at 5 million, so even if they unanimously supported zero gun laws, that’s fewer than 5 million people holding a country of 300+ million people hostage. 

The NRA was founded just after the Civil War to promote gun safety, not the second amendment (which in historical context is clearly about militias, not private citizens.) The NRA didn’t do a 180˚ turn until the 1970s when they began convincing people they needed to protect themselves from their own government. And the reason the NRA leadership began pushing this gun-rights-at-all-costs agenda was that they were accepting money from guns and ammo manufacturers. It is actually that tiny handful of manufacturers who wield all that power in Washington. By spending millions on political campaigns, they own the Republican Party, lock, stock, and barrel. 

It’s not enough to shrug it off and say, “all politicians are crooked.” All politicians are not killing school children. Republican politicians are.


Let’s talk about something else.

Wayno based the character at left on the characters in a terrific little British comedy he turned Olive and me onto called Detectorists. We watch it on Amazon Prime.

Hey, if it works, why not get charged for it?

Wolf conjugations: werewolf, waswolf, amwolf, willbewolf

This joke verges on the metafishical.

What are the odds he’s got the color of shoe polish you need, Bozo?

Perhaps it’s time they “look” into it.

And on that unwelcome pun, we’ll call an end to this comedy/tragedy wrestling match. Thanks for hanging out until the final bell. If you like what we do and say, and that we do it for free, please share a buck or two in thanks via the links below. We’ll thank you and always remember you fondly.

Until next week, does anyone read these “until next week” lines?

Fun and cheap!

… Bizarro TIP JAR One-time or repeating. Your choice!


Signed, numbered, limited edition prints and original Bizarro panels  


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