I’m Dan Piraro, the creator of the Bizarro newspaper comic, and this is my weekly blog post. The large Sunday Bizarro comic above is mine, as are the comments below. The past week’s Monday-Saturday Bizarro comics that follow were written and drawn by my partner Wayno, whose weekly blog post I highly recommend.
And here’s this week’s ANSWER KEY to my Sunday comic’s Secret Symbols.
Welcome to the funnies, funny folks.
Woohoo! The online company that handles my Bizarro original drawings and limited-edition, signed-and-numbered prints is having a Bizarro art auction. These have been very popular, and lots of Jazz Pickles have picked up real bargains from previous auctions.
This one lasts until next Sunday, so you have one week to get your bids in. Click that link above and, if you’re eating, swallow first so you don’t choke when you see the low prices these things start at!
If your computer is afraid of links, copy/paste this one:
A quick topic pivot: I don’t often recommend stuff I’ve been watching, but I’m inspired to recommend the Apple TV series Severance. It is so completely different from anything I’ve ever seen on TV or in movies that I hesitate to try to describe it other than to say it is a surreal, metaphorical approach to corporate culture and our labyrinthic prism of psychological profiles, and how they can direct or hijack our lives.
It’s weird and symbolic as hell, and certainly not for everyone, but Olive Oyl and I were hooked after the first episode and it quickly became one of our favorite series ever.
It just completed its second season, and we’ve started watching the whole thing again from the beginning as we anxiously await season three.
So you won’t have to anxiously await Wayno’s week of Bizarro cartoons any longer, here they be…
The Fake Media reported that it was St. Patrick’s Day last Monday. I can’t believe Wayno fell for it.
I was assigned shop class in the 7th grade because the “elective” I’d signed up for was already full. I hated the redneck, authoritarian teacher so much on the first day that I cut one of my least-used fingers off with a band saw. I never learned how to make a big wooden key with little hooks sticking out for hanging real keys, but I’ve come to accept it.
The good news is, it also kept me from being assigned to learn to play clarinet in the band.
Escher’s Cafe is the kind of place you definitely want to avoid when hungover.
Of the top 50 things that suck the most in the US right now, vacuum cleaners don’t even make the list.
Congrats to Wayno for this gag; one of my favorites! If you’re too young or too pop-culture averse to understand the joke, search: “The Who’s rock opera.”
If you’ve been wondering if we’ve run out of jokes about the art of René Magritte, the answer is still “not yet.”
That’s it for this week, Jazz Pickles. Times are tough for the sane and educated, but we’ll keep writing and drawing to keep you smiling. Now that US newspapers have gone the way of responsible, humane government, we’re supporting ourselves via the links below. If you’d like to help us keep at it, it would be much appreciated.
The Naked Cartoonist…My every-other-week subscription newsletter of humorous creative writing, photos, art, & more.
Bizarro TIP JAR One-time or repeating. Your choice!
WAYNO’S TIP JAR One-time or repeating. Your choice!
My graphic novel PEYOTE COWBOY
Signed, numbered, limited-edition prints and original Bizarro panels
COMICS KINGDOM SHOP Now with Bizarro shirts, prints, & other crap!