Bizarro Blog
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Tall Tail Tales
This week's Sunday cartoon is a fun little twist of expectation and I had a grand time drawing it. I'm a fan of lizards (though I do not have any as pets) particularly the prehistoric-seeming nature of them, so drawing them is always a treat.

Dangerous Crops
There was a time when people were romantic about America's "heartland," as though it was where good, wholesome, moral, honest folks came from, as opposed to "big city folk".

All Natural
It's a fun day for Bizarro Jazz Pickles. Not only are there TEN Secret Symbols to find in today's comic (click it to embiggenate it and begin your search!) but I've created a fun, new T-shirt design that I think those of you with a touch of social courage and a certain opinion of overly-used, overly-cute images will enjoy tremendously.

I've taken Uber or Lyft a few dozen times and with one exception, have always had a positive experience. The exception was in LA and the guy driving our car seemed friendly enough to Olive Oyl and me but was prone to honking at other drivers, cussing them out under his breath, and weaving through traffic to cut people off that he thought had offended him.

Hot Crackers
Olive Oyl and I are not big enough fans of technology to want one of those thingamajigs––whatever you call them––in our house, but we do like to appear to our friends to be "hip" and up-to-date, so I spray painted a tomato juice can black and put it on our coffee table.

A Mile In My Shoes
Remember when you were young and in a band and going to loud concerts and you ignored the advice of adults who warned you about protecting your hearing? Well, as clueless and uncool as those decrepit geezers seemed, either they were correct or they cruelly cast a voodoo spell on you as punishment for ignoring their advice, and you can now only hear about 85% of the syllables people aim at you.

Smell Test
Regular readers of my Bizarro blog are familiar with a guy whom I call "Cliff Harris the King of Wordplay." Wordplay and puns are the easiest and most common kind of humor and cartoonists have varying degrees of tolerance for the category.

I confess I've not actually seen the movie I referenced in this cartoon. I've long been fascinated by the imagery but haven't the foggiest idea how a guy with 12 lbs. of blades growing out of his hands is explained in the movie. Since my joke is mostly just a satire of his name, it probably doesn't matter if you've seen it or not.

Scalp Art
Most of you Jazz Pickles are up to speed about what's been happening at Rancho Bizarro lately but for those who are not––since January 1, I'm only writing and drawing the Sunday cartoons and my good friend and longtime collaborator, Wayno, is drawing the Monday through Saturday cartoons.

As I announced in last week's cartoon rundown, I've just recently turned over my Monday-through-Saturday cartoons to my good friend and talented colleague, Wayno. He previously had a feature on GoComics called "WaynoVision," which he retired to concentrate on Bizarro, but the archives are still viewable. The link to those is at the end of this post.