Bizarro Blog
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Home Groan
I'm all for urban gardening and if you live in an apartment building, your only option may be your roof. If you've ever tried to grow a garden on your rooftop you know that one of the biggest problems is flying deer eating your plants on Christmas Eve. Another is drone cameras spotting your plants and reporting you to the DEA.

Rise & Fall
Like quicksand, bottomless pits are one of those things that explorers of uncharted territory are taught to look out for. I always appreciate it when people take the time to label such things but also wonder how the person who erected this sign knew the pit had no bottom.

Blue Genes
I find the science of genetic modification equal parts fascinating and scary. Amazing things have been accomplished already and the potential for wonders beyond our imaginations is limited only to the imaginations of people who are smarter than you and I can even imagine.

Teenage Hairwolf
The next full moon happens in my neighborhood on October 24, which will give me just enough time to recover from my own murderous romp in the woods before the opening reception of my first non-cartoon-art exhibition on the 27th.

Hidden Treasures
In spite of the similar nature of their hats, pirates and cowboys don't always mix well as I first discovered in this cartoon back in 2008. Like full-size cannons and reggae music, not everything that worked in the Carribean worked on the American frontier.

Bizarro Caption Contest
Hey, Jazz Pickles! I've not done a caption contest in over 12 decades so I thought maybe it was time. Below is an old Bizarro cartoon of mine for which I invite you to come up with a new caption. The winner will be chosen by Olive Oyl, the K2s, and I and will be announced on my weekly blog post this coming Sunday, Oct 7.

Distracted Dining
By this time in the history of our short-lived, self-destructive species, we've all be "phubbed" and have likely been guilty of phubbing others. I've noticed while walking my dogs that when they get a smell in their snoot, they are as incapable of paying attention to anything else as many people are when they are on their smartphone.

Limiting Choices
Today's big, wide, Sunday cartoon is about how annoying Internet ads are. Yes, I know I have annoying ads on this site, too, but it isn't by choice. If I want to operate under the umbrella of King Features' cartoons, I have to play by their (relatively few) rules.

Bunny Slope
I love stupid criminals. If I loved stupid politicians half as much, I wouldn’t be able to stop laughing right now. Instead, I left the U.S. and moved to Mexico so that I would not be trapped on the wrong side of "The Wall" when the Apricot Satan declares martial law after an election his Russian friends weren't able to finagle for him.

Comedy for Charity
Hey, Jazz Pickles! If you'd like to see me do stand-up comedy and sing songs, and you like to help people with the money you paid to see it, and you're within driving distance of Oklahoma, this is your lucky day!

Last Survey
The inspiration for today's cartoon came from my longtime friend and cartooning colleague, Jim Horwitz. You can see his daily cartoon, Watson on his FB page here. And here is a pic of Jim with Wayno and me. We're all dressed up because we were attending a funeral. We're laughing because it was the funeral of an enemy.

Tag You're It
In the art world, there's an ongoing debate about whether "tagging" is art or vandalism. To be clear, tagging is not graffiti or mural painting, it is simply signing your name with paint. For me, if hypothetically applied to any other art form, the question becomes more clear.

Wake Up Call
This post is late this week because Olive Oyl and I were in Guanajuato City over the weekend hanging out with the K2s (Krapuzar and Krelspeth) and their husbands (Ringworm and Fleshprod). We love that town and always have a damn dandy time. Can't wait to go again. While visiting, I had a chance to get in a little busking to help pay for our meals.

Gated Community
A longtime Bizarro Jazz Pickle and occasional contributor who calls himself Brian Levy sent me an idea about a piggy bank talking to a banker about savings and it triggered this idea. Thanks, pal!

First Punch(line)
I like the idea of the first joke teller. He or she would have been very different from the mythological white folks depicted above––probably a nomad or cave dweller––but if I'd drawn it that way, I'd have been robbed of the delicious pun in the caption.

Fruit Bomb
Here in this discreet corner of the universe, a couple of things have happened this week worth noting. One is that we're trying out the new website again. We've still got some bugs to work out here and there but think we'll have it solved pretty soon. Let me know if you're experiencing weirdness, in case it's a variety of weirdness we're not yet aware of. I'll get to the other new thing in a moment.

Periodic Truth
I've done a quite a few magazine cover cartoons over the years and I believe the careful observer will notice that this is yet another one. Here's one from last year that might be my favorite. Media has always pandered to what idiots like you and I want, but in recent years it has become far more blatant and even damaging.

I'm generally skeptical of technology and firmly believe that too much immersion is bad for the human mind and spirit (if such a thing exists separately) but I do enjoy a few of the conveniences it provides. For instance, in colonial times, people often had to walk several miles with a couple of buckets of fresh milk to pay their cable TV bill in person.