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Ships 'n' Lips
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Ships 'n' Lips

Your comments regarding this hot political topic are welcome, as always. If you’ve failed to detect the satire and sarcasm in the above paragraph and wish to say something foolish, they are especially welcome.

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Dan Piraro Dan Piraro


I once visited a medical building for something called a colonoscopy, which, if you don’t know, is one of the most fun things you can pay strangers to do to you.

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Plains Sweeping
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Plains Sweeping

As a kid, I spent a lot of time dressed up as a cowboy and much of that time I had a broom between my legs as a makeshift horse. Do they still make these things? I had a red one and put thousands of miles on it, into the sunset and otherwise.

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Dan Piraro Dan Piraro


A super fun detail that you might miss in both the newspaper and the web version is the magazine covers on the table. Lucky for youse, I have thoughtfully provided an enlarged view of them here.

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Mongrel Money
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Mongrel Money

If you’re a person who enjoys knowing the behind-the-scenes workings of the syndicated cartoon world, you’ve found the right blog because I’m way more honest about that stuff than I probably should be. Whatever.

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Garage Duo
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Garage Duo

Even most hardcore fans of Batman have no idea that his first secret hideout was not in a cave and his first Batmobile was brought to court by Ralph Nader. Get the straight poop and more, below.

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The Right Wright
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

The Right Wright

Two personal things about this cartoon: I hated drawing that damned, complicated flying contraption, and I loved drawing the different characters at the party.

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Dials in the Sun
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Dials in the Sun

A recent study found that, thanks to The Flintstones, approximately one third of Americans believe that the early versions of household appliances were powered by small animals.

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The Nature of Nature
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

The Nature of Nature

Bienvenidos, Jazz Pickles, to my first post on this new blog format. Please pardon me if elements are wildly the wrong size or the entire post smells vaguely of horseradish.

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Killian Piraro Killian Piraro


I won’t say that the Mueller Report inspired this cartoon but it could have. With a Manchurian Candidate in the White House, anything can happen as the entire world is now so painfully aware. Who knows how many Russians he has hiding in his nest? I’m anxious to find out and am betting the phrase “money laundering” will be included—perhaps often enough for a drinking game.

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Home Again
Killian Piraro Killian Piraro

Home Again

With income disparity in the U.S. being what it is these days, adult children are returning home in record numbers. One of my own daughters recently spent a few months with us down here in Mexico. Even though Olive Oyl and I enjoyed her stay immensely and found her to be a perfect house guest, it was her visit that inspired this cartoon.

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Killian Piraro Killian Piraro


It is my understanding that octopuses are extremely intelligent. So much so that even though they could learn to do a lot of things that could support humans, they would not do so because they’re smart enough to recognize we do not have their best interests at heart. If only Trump supporters were as intelligent as octopuses. 

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Detachable Snout
Killian Piraro Killian Piraro

Detachable Snout

When choosing a plastic surgeon, it can be helpful to ask what the “plastic” refers to. Furthermore, if you see the name “Dr. P. Head” on an office door, you may want to know what the “P” stands for. If it’s “Paul” or “Patrick” or “Pablo,” it would be unfortunate but not alarming. If it stands for “Potato” or “Peter,” it may be wise to get the giggling out of your system before entering.

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Killian Piraro Killian Piraro


You Jazz Pickles in countries with reasonable gun ownership laws have likely not seen many roadsigns shot to pieces. But in the United States, where it is every person’s constitutional right to own killing machines—often even if they are mentally ill and/or have a history of violence—and no one’s right to be safe at schools, churches, concerts, parades, movie theaters and the like, one sees this fairly routinely in more rural areas.

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Killian Piraro Killian Piraro


My beloved Olive Oyl and I, as well as my eldest daughter, Krapuzar, spent the past week in Oaxaca, Mexico and had a terrific time. Mexico is teeming with artists and artisans of all kinds and as Mexican cities go, Oaxaca is one of the most saturated with creativity.

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Truth Alternatives
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Truth Alternatives

One way in which the Internet has been particularly effective is in showing us humans how vulnerable we are to believing bullshit. In fact, it would seem these days that the more pungent and steaming the poop pile, the more avidly people will sign up as a crusader for it. 

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Big Turf Puffs
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Big Turf Puffs

This is the time of year when media outlets of all kinds are releasing their lists for 2018; most important news stories, best TV shows, movies, music, books, etc. For me, recapping 2018 would be like remembering the year one spent being held hostage by toddlers who regularly kick you between the legs and hit you in the face with a Supersoaker between episodes of running around the neighborhood stealing babies and setting fire to buildings.

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Taking the Bait
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Taking the Bait

In years past, I've created Xmas-themed cartoons for this time of year but that didn't happen this year. I'm required by my publishers to submit cartoons four weeks before publication so I needed to write the cartoon for this date back in November and I just wasn't feeling Xmasy—even in a sarcastic way.

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Career Versatility
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Career Versatility

In today's economy, it pays to have a wide assortment of skills at the ready. As for me, I've been a store clerk, delivery driver, busboy, graphic designer, store display artist, commercial illustrator, sign painter, muralist, cartoonist, fine artist, stand-up comic, TV show host, and painter.

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Thin Air
Uncategorized Dan Piraro Uncategorized Dan Piraro

Thin Air

The biggest problem with playing air guitar on the moon is the volume inside your helmet, which can lead to hearing loss. Outside of the helmet, you can barely hear anything at all.

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