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Kitty Dog Klub
I really enjoy drawing dogs as I hope you can tell from this cartoon. They come in so many different sizes, shapes, colors, and textures. Ever wondered why various breeds of cats are not as varied as dogs are?

Home Groan
I'm all for urban gardening and if you live in an apartment building, your only option may be your roof. If you've ever tried to grow a garden on your rooftop you know that one of the biggest problems is flying deer eating your plants on Christmas Eve. Another is drone cameras spotting your plants and reporting you to the DEA.

A Woman's Work
This is one of those cartoons that is meant to be more editorial than funny. In one way, it serves to point out that women in modern societies typically have it better than they did 150 years ago. But is that actually true?

Forbidden Fig
I don't know about the rest of the world, but here in Mexico we changed the clocks last weekend for Daylight Savings Time or to quit having Daylight Savings Time and go back to Not Saving Anything Time or whatever it is called.

Blue Genes
I find the science of genetic modification equal parts fascinating and scary. Amazing things have been accomplished already and the potential for wonders beyond our imaginations is limited only to the imaginations of people who are smarter than you and I can even imagine.

No See Ums
I'd like to thank the eight people above for their help in getting this week's cartoon in on deadline. I've nothing to say about the ninth guy other than that there's one in every crowd who thinks there's no problem and doesn't want to help. The U.S. Senate is teeming with guys like that right now.

Killin' Thangs
I have mixed emotions about hunting. Doubtless there is primal pleasure to be found in activities that our species has been engaging in for tens of thousands of years, and there is no denying that animals killed by hunters live vastly better, more natural lives than do the overwhelming majority of domesticated food animals.

The above cartoon is blatantly political of course, but I will resist commenting on it as doing so would invariably fall into one of two categories: preaching to the choir or falling on deaf ears. So instead, let's talk about a fun thing that Olive Oyl, my daughters (the K2) and I did last week on Instagram!

Last Survey
The inspiration for today's cartoon came from my longtime friend and cartooning colleague, Jim Horwitz. You can see his daily cartoon, Watson on his FB page here. And here is a pic of Jim with Wayno and me. We're all dressed up because we were attending a funeral. We're laughing because it was the funeral of an enemy.

Clown Corpse
To be clear, I was afraid of clowns before it was cool. Way back in my early childhood in the mid-1900s, my instincts told me that anyone wearing a disguise and trying too hard to get my attention was not safe. This almost autonomic response saved me from who-knows-how-many murderers and pedophiles. Thanks, evolution!

Gated Community
A longtime Bizarro Jazz Pickle and occasional contributor who calls himself Brian Levy sent me an idea about a piggy bank talking to a banker about savings and it triggered this idea. Thanks, pal!

Time Release
My beloved, Olive Oyl, and I are currently reading an astoundingly fascinating book called Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari. One early concept in the book is that when human societies are small—under 150 people—they operate in unison because everyone knows everyone and has a common goal.

First Punch(line)
I like the idea of the first joke teller. He or she would have been very different from the mythological white folks depicted above––probably a nomad or cave dweller––but if I'd drawn it that way, I'd have been robbed of the delicious pun in the caption.

Nose to Crotch
Well, it's been a rocky couple of weeks here at Rancho Bizarro as we tried to get this new website up and running without too many bugs and broken knobs. We're pretty close now––we think. Be aware that we're still working on certain elements so don't be too alarmed if you come across things that don't work yet. They will.