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Gated Community
However you look at it, these folks are being scorned for being different. For being where they “don’t belong”. Which motivates me to dig one level deeper and just ask, where did we even get the cliche image of Heaven this cartoon is built on?

What Next?
This is an era when a person can understandably be heard to shout from their balcony, “What next?!” Honestly, at this point would a plague of bears be all that surprising? It would certainly be cuter than the current plague of idiocy ramming its fist up the backside of America, and probably less dangerous. A panda can kill a person but they aren’t particularly good at dismantling democracies.

From FOMO to IMO
“Did I miss anything?”
Is there a more loaded question than that one in this era? These days, you can miss a LOT just by blinking. But then again—these days—most of what you’re missing is stuff you wish you’d never seen…

Grammar Culture
I would not call myself a “grammar nazi,” though I have been called one. I’m not the kind of person who will correct someone’s grammar on the fly, without being asked (and who asks others to correct their grammar?) but I admit I would like to.

Captain's Pellet
In this week’s post: what happens when rats trek, the difference between me and Wayno, my new thing, 7 new cartoons, and some cool info about Popeye’s dead composer…

Hey, Jazz Pickles, here’s a quick and joyful announcement!
The National Cartoonists Society gives out yearly awards for various categories of cartooning and this year they’ve nominated our Bizarro’s own Wayno in the category of “Newspaper Panels”!…

Say What?
It’s been a fun week here at Rancho Bizarro as we celebrated a milestone in a five-year project! Last Tuesday, I launched the new website for my graphic novel, Peyote Cowboy, which I’m posting more-or-less as I illustrate it.

My Graphic Novel Has Launched
Beloved Jazz Pickles, as promised, today is finally here; I’ve launched the website for my graphic novel, Peyote Cowboy, free for anyone to read. It’s been a long journey so I’m pretty excited! Read all about it in this special post.

Anonymous Heroes
I hate to think it but there may be people not familiar with the pop-culture reference in this week’s Sunday comic. If that describes you, look up “lone ranger tropes,” then come back and laugh. If you’re among those who refuse to wear a mask under any circumstance, you may…

Ifs, Ands, or Butts
In last week’s post, I skipped the profound, heartfelt, armchair philosophy and instead, offered a few amusing thoughts about that day’s cartoon. A good number of Jazz Pickles said they enjoyed my occasional pontifications and hoped they would continue, so I’ll happily comply today. This one is about no less than…

Deconstructing Hairy
If you had a food product that you were trying to market to the public, would you call it “shaved ice”? I would not. The word “shaved” invokes thoughts of hair, stubble, nicks, and cuts, not frozen treats…

Face Facts
I haven’t looked this up, but pretend that I have and that I’m saying it with authority: Since the invention of letters, no other graphic form of communication has caught on with the speed and saturation of the planet as has…

Rental Rocks
The above cartoon created more “I don’t get it” comments than I had anticipated, but I get it. One thing that cartoonists sometimes attempt to do is to lead the viewer to perceive something differently than usual. The bait-and-switch that happens in your head…

Styx Feet Apart
The above cartoon is dark, but dark times sometimes call for dark humor. As I’ve preached many times on this blog, humor is both a uniquely human and uniquely powerful way to deal with the tougher aspects of life: tragedy, fear, loss, anxiety.

Choreographing Fear
In popular culture and casual conversation, people tend to talk about “karma” as though it were a kind of universal point system wherein if you do something bad or good, something bad or good will happen to you in return. I have to admit that I long believed that karma was basically that and I assume many others do, too. But recently I came across a more complete definition of karma that is making a lot more sense to me and it’s this…

Fake News Fake Life
I’ve heard more than a few people recently, some in my own family, express anxiety and depression over the uncertainty of the world going forward. I get it. You’d have to be a fifth-degree blackbelt Buddhist monk not to have some concerns at this point.