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Zen Pet
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Zen Pet

Of the cartoon above, some readers might say, “Is that supposed to be a lesbian couple? Why do you have to shove that stuff down our throats in the Sunday comics where children can see it?”

To which I would say,…

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Up & Away
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Up & Away

I approach this blog post each week meaning to write something funny, but lately the events of the world since the previous post have been just so damned important that it is hard to ignore them. I sit down to write comedy and I think, what’s funny about…

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Dan Piraro Dan Piraro


First: This cartoon idea came to me moments after I read one that Wayno did some weeks ago. Remember this timeless classic?

Second: As a person who has been in the comedy-writing business for over 30 years, I realize that many if not most people have no interest in my…

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Rock Around the Clock
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Rock Around the Clock

As our caveman friends above play a very early game of rock, paper, scissors, it makes me long for a simpler world. I’m as hooked on modern civilization as anyone else who was born and raised in it, but it doesn’t take an Einstein to see that we’ve created an unsustainable world and it will be our undoing.

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Sit On It
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Sit On It

If you’re one of the millions of Americans with a chair stuck to your butt, the good news is that now there’s help. In fact, no matter your personal tragedy, there’s a very good chance there’s a support group for it, where you can share your experiences with other folks in a similar situation.

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Dan Piraro Dan Piraro


I’ll start today by saying that I find the art of miming a very strange thing. When someone does it well, like Marcel Marceau, it is undeniably magical and can be very entertaining. But somehow, it also quickly becomes annoying and widely despised. I am among those who…

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Third Base
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Third Base

I drew this cartoon just as the Thing That Broke the World was getting started and before masks were as common as they are now, which is why only one character is wearing one. Do NOT take this to mean that I support reopening the country so that a tiny percentage of childish adults pretending to understand the meaning of patriotism can stop being inconvenienced…

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Hygiene Therapy
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Hygiene Therapy

Bigfoot is a character who's been dealing with self-isolation for who-knows-how-many centuries or millennia so he knows the challenges of staying clean, neat, and stylish when you know damn well…

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Dan Piraro Dan Piraro


It’s been a sci-fi-strange week in a sci-fi-strange time. Who would have guessed even ten years ago that the world would be living out a Simpson’s episode in real-time? But this one has had all the jokes removed…

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Tribal Scrum
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Tribal Scrum

While I hope the current world crisis helps people to slow down and realize that as a society, we can do better, I’m not expecting it. Sadly, there always seem to be enough people in the world willing to fight and lie and oppress in the name of money and power to ruin it for the rest of us. They’ll stir your tribalism by telling you..

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Dan Piraro Dan Piraro


In the beginning, good people saw the Internet as a way to spread information and truth, and bad people saw it as a way to deceive people into handing them more power and/or money. As Jonathan Swift once said, a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes. (This saying is currently widely misattributed to…

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SOS or CU L8R?
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

SOS or CU L8R?

Our collective reality of late has been very weird. But existence as a human being has always been weird. I first became aware of this when I was a very small child of perhaps four. I remember playing on the floor in the living room of my home, busying myself with some plastic toy or other, when I suddenly had a moment of extreme self-realization…

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Class of 666
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Class of 666

I think it’s safe to assume that every person who cannot spell well enough to understand this gag probably has someone nearby who can explain it to them. The president could ask one of his Secret Service men, for instance. I think those guys have to pass actual tests to get that job…

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Sexy Bulges
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Sexy Bulges

When I was an adolescent boy, we used to laugh at how proud of their genitals male chimps in zoos seemed to be. The Internet age, however, has now shown us yet another way in which humans are only barely removed from chimps. The prevalence of so-called “dick pics” leads one to believe…

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Going Viral
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Going Viral

I had no knowledge of the coming pandemic when I drew and submitted the above cartoon five weeks ago. But a depiction of the fall of Julius Caesar is perhaps very apropos to what is hopefully happening to the Cheeto Mussolini and his empire of cards right now…

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Self Driving
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Self Driving

As I’ve mentioned here before, for the last several months I’ve been working on a graphic novel. It’s a story of magical realism in the Old West and being immersed in it for so long has caused…

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Coffee and Discoloration
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Coffee and Discoloration

Almost none of my cartoons come from actual experiences but almost all of them have some element of my life within them. In the case of the cartoon above…

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Doggy Karma
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Doggy Karma

I’ve not closely followed the debate and controversy over so-called support animals, so everything I say here is based on little more than having glanced at a headline here and there. That won’t stop you from vehemently disagreeing with me but it might…

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Spoiler Alert
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Spoiler Alert

While it’s fun to imagine dimwitted chumps of yesteryear being frightened by technology, it has been pointed out that even though films of this sort were new, people had stood on platforms and watched trains coming “close” to them for a very long time. So even if anyone thought the train was real (which is highly improbable) they’d still be unlikely to run or scream.

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