Bizarro | Naked Cartoonist

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I’m Dan Piraro, the creator of the Bizarro newspaper comic. Each week, I post my Sunday Bizarro comic, a short essay, and then the past week’s Monday-Saturday Bizarro comics written and drawn by my partner Wayno, whose weekly blog post I highly recommend.

And here’s this week’s ANSWER KEY to my Sunday comic’s Secret Symbols.

Welcome, Jazz Pickles, one and all. “All” are probably not here, so welcome, one and some.

Seemingly only ten minutes since last year’s holiday season, the holiday season is upon us again. Time is an illusion, but it is one that increases in speed until your birthdays seem only a few days apart.

But back to the holiday thing:

In King Features’ Comics Kingdom Shop, you can get these fun Bizarro gifts, suitable for shoving into a sock or wrapping and hiding under a dead tree somebody has dragged inside. Humans are funny.

Also cool, they’re offering a 30% discount on custom or framed Bizarro prints and free shipping until the end of the year. Click on this link to select any Bizarro cartoon by date and enter the Discount Code: BIZARROHOLIDAY24

(If you’re not thrilled with the degree of ease with which prints can be ordered, be sure to tell them. But don’t tell them I said that.)

Though we benefit from your purchases, note that King operates that shop, not us, so please direct shipping questions and the like to them.

I confess I hate having to make sales pitches here, but this is how cartoonists make a living now.

That, and by busting our knuckles weekly to bring you funny pictures and words. Let’s sample Wayno’s Bizarro cartoons from the week, one or more of which you may wish to order as a print at a 30% discount!

If I could choose a superpower, it would be to hear a song I hate, and not have it stuck in my head for days.

Never back-sass a woman who has knitting needles. I made that mistake once with my grandmother.

It’s almost an emergency that I now need a chocolate-covered ice cream cone.

For you secret symbol hunters, the Evil Queen’s crown is not included in Wayno’s count. If you want to count it, go ahead. This isn’t a bar exam.

When this happens to me—and one day it will—I’ll be downloading the “ShootMeNow” app.

Does his suit ever make him stick to something he doesn’t want to stick to? Like trash bags when he brings them out to the bin, for instance.

That’s it for this week, JzPks. If you want to be one of our superheroes, please consider supporting our efforts to continue to bring you comics free of charge and without ads or pop-ups (Pop-Tarts, maybe, but never pop-ups!) via the links below. We’ll love you for it.

The Naked Cartoonist…My every-other-week subscription newsletter of humorous creative writing, photos, art, & more.

… Bizarro TIP JAR One-time or repeating. Your choice!

WAYNO’S TIP JAR One-time or repeating. Your choice!

My graphic novel PEYOTE COWBOY

Signed, numbered, limited-edition prints and original Bizarro panels  

COMICS KINGDOM SHOP (now with Bizarro products!)

My wife, Olive Oyl’s, art, writing, and photography