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Crossing Lines
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Crossing Lines

This is a political cartoon of sorts but I’m not in the mood to feel utter despair today so I don’t want to talk about politics. Instead, let’s talk about cartoon aliens!…

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Pigeon Limos
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Pigeon Limos

If you’ve never heard the expression, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride,” this cartoon is probably fairly inscrutable. Even if you’re familiar with that expression, it’s still a bit weird…

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Flip Side Lunar
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Flip Side Lunar

I never realized how little energy I’d spent discerning the subtle differences between a “dork” and a “nerd” until I published this comic and heard from readers. They really schooled me. So, yeah, I admit that…

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Boarder Bums
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Boarder Bums

There are myriad reasons to lock the doors of your home but virtually all of them come down to a single threat: other humans. Some would argue that a Sasquatch…

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Teller You're Sorry
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Teller You're Sorry

Remember when it was fun to visit people in prison? Well, those days are long gone, my friends…

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Not By Chocolate
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Not By Chocolate

I no longer believe in the concept of “reality” as something one can claim to understand. Does that sound vague and a bit goofy? That’s because it most certainly is. But so is life…

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Dan Piraro Dan Piraro


The above cartoon had a very polarizing effect on folks. I got more than the usual high-fives for a good gag and quite a few complaints, some with profanity. And I don’t blame those who were offended at all…

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Icing It
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Icing It

There are a growing number of people who are sensitive to the fact that when a joke in the mainstream public domain features an idiot—the “butt” of the joke— it is almost always a white male…

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Forced Minimalism
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Forced Minimalism

Because cats and dogs are the two most popular species of house pets, people often compare them and declare one superior over the other. But I find that discussion to be as erroneous as asking…

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Karma Critters
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Karma Critters

By now, pretty much everyone has heard that buying pets from breeders instead of adopting from shelters contributes to cruelty. But do you know why?…

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Text Test
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Text Test

There is one thing that is very wrong about the cartoon above and I’m wondering how many of you caught it. Obviously, I’m not talking about the unusual instructions the officer is giving to the applicant. That’s the punchline, so it’s given that it is outside the norm.

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Crawling Fashion
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Crawling Fashion

As I drew the above cartoon, I harbored the unconscious assumption that only one of these things actually exists. But as I sit down to begin today’s post, I realize I might well be wrong about that. In fact, I’m certain I am …

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Pidgin Pigeon
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Pidgin Pigeon

When I moved to Mexico almost three years ago, I shared the above parrot’s desire and inability to communicate with the locals in their native language. I quickly developed a kind of pidgin Spanish that usually got me what or where I wanted, but it was usually an idiotic and embarrassing struggle. Once,…

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Dan Piraro Dan Piraro


Like many creative types, I’m the sort of person who likes to eschew anything that “the masses” are into, based on the premise that if most people like something, it’s probably fairly low-brow. (Yeah, I know. That’s pretty uppity)…

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Dan Piraro Dan Piraro


For the most part, I have made a living commenting on what is commonly called “the human condition.” I wasn’t required to do that––I could have just created amusing cartoons that simply make people smile and left it at that.

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Human Beans
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Human Beans

One might think the theme of this cartoon is to be careful what you wish for—the folks in this conference room wanted more comfortable chairs but now they can’t reach the table. But is the answer to get their old chairs back or should they invest further by getting rid of the table, too?…

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Hammer Vision
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Hammer Vision

I picked up some kind of horrid chest cold late last week and spent the weekend wishing I was dead. I’m sure you’ve been there. I didn’t have enough energy to do much more than lie around and not be able to sleep, so I got some reading done between fevered hallucinations.

Something I read yesterday and can recommend wholeheartedly is…

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Straw Man
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Straw Man

Some of you more observant readers may notice that I sometimes use backgrounds more than once. The above cartoon is a restaurant scene I’ve used a bunch of times, changing various elements to facilitate the gag. If you’re the sort who enjoys comparing the two images,…

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Nutty Bean
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

Nutty Bean

Most of you who read my cartoons and blog posts don’t think of me as a guy who does “adult” humor, but that’s only because I can’t use it in Bizarro; newspaper editors don’t print so-called “dirty jokes”. Sometimes, however…

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When Pigs Fly
Dan Piraro Dan Piraro

When Pigs Fly

My more astute readers may have noticed that I did not post a blog last week. I am loathe to leave all twelve of you dangling without good reason, but I think I have a fairly good one this time: Olive Oyl and I were…

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