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I’ve done a couple of gags over the years about there being two kinds of Indian restaurants—which, to my knowledge, there are not—but I still find this theme and the above expansion of the topic funny. For those who’ve not seen as many cowboy movies as I have, “pemmican” is…

Hard of Herding
My favorite aspect of this cartoon is the nonchalant courage with which the gray tabby confronts the horse. This is our gray tabby, Lola, to a tee when faced with pretty much anything the world can throw at her…

A Few Good Men Times Two
Film aficionados will get this cartoon instantly but many others won’t. In a moment, I’ll provide a link to an article that will explain it but see if you can get there on your own first. One helpful hint might be…

Ultimate Selfie
If you’re not familiar with Oscar Wilde’s brilliant The Picture of Dorian Gray, this cartoon will likely fall flat. Go read it and come back. (tick, tick, tick) Now that you’ve enjoyed this classic…

AI vs. AI
I don’t suppose anyone is surprised anymore by the behavior of the GOP under their Manchurian candidate. But just a few years ago it was unthinkable that a politician, particularly one representing the Republican party and who skipped out of serving by having a rich dad, could get away with…

If you received any holiday gifts that were less to your taste than you might’ve hoped, give them to the dog to rip apart and hop over to the Bizarro Shop for something more snazzy. We’re having a New Year’s Flash Sale. Use code NEWYEAR at checkout and take 15% off your entire order in the Bizarro Shop! Sale ends Tuesday, Jan 1 at 11:59 pm EST…

Feeding the Bear
I’m not one to have new year’s resolutions but I have a grand, new project planned for 2020 that I’m so excited about I can barely refrain from crying and pooping my pants…

Questionable Humor
Many people find the act of explaining a joke to be violating some kind of unwritten law. Yes, when jokes are explained they are less funny than if you “get” them by yourself. But many of my jokes are intentionally opaque or obscure, so…

Kids Today
I’d like to thank The Apricot Assfruit for writing this cartoon for me. Sadly, I only had room to illustrate eleven of his childish and appalling practices. As well as this cartoon works, I wish it did not have reason to exist. But politics, like life, is…

Choice Spud
One small shred of evidence that the world is becoming a better place is that a few years ago, I would not have been allowed to publish this cartoon on a Sunday. The reference to an illegal, schedule 1 “gateway” drug would have been considered…

No Sense
It is obvious to anyone familiar with actual journalism that most of the world has been going to hell a whole lot faster in the past three years. “It feels apocalyptic” is a phrase I’ve heard numerous times and uttered myself on more than one occasion. But it’s not bad news for everyone…

Bringing It
True Bizarro Jazz Pickles (long-time regular readers of Bizarro) are well aware that I like to challenge readers with jokes they may not immediately get and this one is firmly in that category. If you’re scratching your head over this one…

Life Socks
This cartoon plays into several mythological stereotypes that I don’t subscribe to, but cartoons often use stereotypes and cultural myths as a common platform for humor. Let’s discuss the ones I used above, one at a time…

Ring Me Up
Lately, I’ve been publishing some pretty obscure cartoons that have, quite predictably, caused a lot of readers to scratch their heads. Some are doing this because they have lice, of course, that’s always a given. But many…

If you were confused by this cartoon, look closely at the spelling on the sign, look at the background, and know that there aren’t any actual balloons involved. Just a weird clown unleashing dangerous primates on anyone with five bucks. (Which almost sounds like an elevator pitch for a biopic about Trump.)

The Internet has changed the world both for the better and for the worse. And it will likely figure heavily in either our demise or salvation as a species. At this point, it’s easy to imagine either scenario…