Bizarro Blog
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Up a Tree Sorta
Greetings, beloved Jazz Pickles and other readers of words.
If you’re reading these words, it means that I was able to put them here and you were able to find them. But if I lost my access to the Internet, where would you find my cartoons or commentary?

Water Foul
Hello, Jazz Pickles and other fellow temporary earthlings. This week, I answer some reader questions…

Old Mexlish Sheepuaua
Happy now, Jazz Pickles! (Happy later, too, but that comes later.) As usual of late, the following paragraphs have nothing to do with these cartoons but everything to do with the cartoonist.

Repairing What You Sow
Hola, Jazz Pickles, and others! It’s been a week of wonders here at the temporary Rancho Bizarro Gypsy Camp in the boondocks outside of Oaxaca City.

What It Is
Hola, Jazz Pickles, and other amigos! I am writing again this week from my mountaintop hideaway somewhere in the state of Oaxaca, which is in Mexico somewhere. I know this because people in authority have said that we live in Mexico, we drove here by car and did not encounter anything that looked like a border, so we feel pretty confident that we are in Mexico somewhere. Also, there are a lot of Mexicans everywhere we go.

The Gift That Keeps On Horsing Around
If you’ve read my previous couple of posts, you know that Olive Oyl and I are hanging out on a rural Oaxaca mountainside for a month, enjoying the sounds of nature when it has not been overrun by humans. My god, we can be annoying, can we not? To compare the natural sounds of this planet to the soundscape of an average day in an average modern city is to realize how deeply unpopular we must be with the rest of the life forms on earth…

Hola, Jazz Pickles! I hope you’re all staying clean and dry in the recent monsoon of shit storms this period of history is providing.

Graphic Palindromes
Greetings, Jazz Pickles! It’s been one of those weeks that made all but the most delusional among us feel like we were being forced to watch a trashy reality TV show. And sadly, that’s not far from the truth…

Ambiguous Symbolism
The long-awaited day when we announce the new Bizarro Secret Symbol has arrived!

Truth to Power
I hope you’re not foolish enough to be gathering for the holidays in large, shouting groups like the one pictured above. This is no time to be sharing aerosolized spit droplets with relatives, no matter how hard-headed and in need of enlightenment they may be.

Law of Gravity
Today’s title panel looks like it’s tripping on peyote, while the day’s comic defies both gravity and OSHA standards.

Cat Strategy
This is one frame of a six-frame joke. Find out what it is by dropping by my weekly blog post.

Who Said That?
I did two versions of this cartoon but only this one published. The other one is included in this blog post.

Please Department
Today’s cartoon has an obvious political angle but what is it saying? I’ll be honest and admit that I don’t really know. I just thought it was kind of funny.

Time Flying
For four grueling years, being an American has been like being related to Charlie Sheen—one embarrassment-by-proximity after another.

Godot Gist
I’ve never seen or read Waiting for Godot but I’ve done numerous cartoons about it. It’s one of those tropes that cartoonists return to again and again, and most of them have not read it, either. One might understandably wonder how that can be but if you think about it,…